Friday, January 21, 2011

the life of a painting

Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with see in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning -- the third day. Genesis 1:11-13

How many things do you think God can show you about in Himself in three little verses?
You just might be amazed!

What's interesting to see is that many of God's qualities are repeated through several of the verses beforehand. As we've seen before, repetition means that it is something important for us to notice!

Here are a few of the things God shows in the verses above:
  • God's words have power
  • God has authority over all creation
    • specifically over nature
  • God has the authority to determine what is good
  • God is intentional with His creation
  • God designed and made all of the beautiful, intricate and detailed plants in one day
As you may have noticed, we've seen several of these topics before! God continues to repeat Himself to help us remember the important points, such as remembering that God has the highest authority, the ultimate power and is the foundation of goodness! These are amazing things for which we praise and thank Him!

Today I wanted to focus on the last bullet point. God designed and made all of the beautiful, intricate and detailed plants in one day.

Certainly, people can argue that all of the plants he created were designed long before He created them. (personally, it doesn't make it any less amazing!)

Also, not everyone agrees that the seven days of the Creation Story are literal. I'm going to respond to this with a quote from a friend of mine: "Who am I to limit God in the vastness of His power? If He wants to make everything in a matter of days, who am I to say He can't? That's like trying to put God in a box."

With that settled, I want you to play a little game with me. I want you to stop everything else you are doing to try this with me. Are you ready?

I want you to imagine yourself about to paint a picture of a flower. You can use the one at the beginning of this post, if you want.

Now, you don't need to design the flower, because it already exists. However, if you had taken the photo yourself, you would have had a say in the design of the layout. In this way, you are able to design before creating your painting.

Imagine you wanted to paint this flower as beautifully and as detailed as possible. You want to show as much light and life and loveliness of this flower as you possibly can.

How long do you think this would take? How long would you need to create this beautiful painting?

A few weeks? A few months?


The Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, is considered to be a very remarkable painting, created by a very skilled artist. This wonderful painting is said to have taken nearly four years to complete!

What, however, does all of this have to do with the verses we are looking at? I want you to try and follow my train of thought.

God, in a sense, has made millions of beautiful, three-dimension moving paintings; paintings that are truly alive!

If God can create and grow such beautiful and detailed and amazing "seed-bearing plants and trees" in one day, imagine how amazing and genuinely beautiful He can grow you to be if you give Him your whole life to achieve it!

How amazing and powerful and wonderful is our God!

If you have any thoughts or comments, I would love for you to share! Let us know what God is showing you through His word, so we may also grow closer to Him!

God bless!