Friday, February 25, 2011

Purpose in Time

And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on earth." And it was so. Genesis 1:14-15

How many times have you heard the first two chapters of Genesis?
And how often have you read them simply as a quick "story" of creation?

This verse shows us a few things about God's power. He is the Creator of the seasons, the days and the years. He determined how to define time with stars in the heavens. Knowing that He created the definition of time, we can know that God is outside of time.

But what does it really mean to be outside of time? Does God get to see all of time at once? What do you think that would look like?

Please leave your thoughts and comments below.

God is the One who has the power to define our understanding of time. He has control over our understanding of the length of our life, even our understanding of the time we need to be patient through. He can help us with that understanding, because that is the power He holds.

God also has the power to give purpose. We know that He has the power to create, as He is our Creator, but this verse shows His power beyond merely creation. God made the stars in the heavens with a specific purpose: to light up the earth and to mark as His definition of time.

Every created thing has a purpose. Reading this verse, we see that the stars' purpose was defined and ordained even before the creating actually happened.

So as the "lights in the expanse of the heavens" have a purpose, intentionally and specifically declared by God, we even more so, created with the unique blessing of being made in the image of God, were intentionally made with a purpose that was determined even before we were created.

Everyone struggles at times with feeling like they cannot find their place, or their purpose, in life. Knowing fully that God gave you a purpose even before you were born, have enthusiasm in everything you pursue, so the glory of God might manifest itself in your life!

Where do you struggle in finding your purpose? How might you rejoice in knowing your God-given purpose can never be lost or taken away from you? Please leave your comments below.