Friday, April 1, 2011

the purpose of community

God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:17-19

Think back to your last week. In the midst of everything you had to accomplish, what was the biggest thing weighing on your mind? What was the biggest thing weighing on your heart?
Perhaps it was a test in one of your classes that you were unsure of how to prepare for. Maybe a project deadline felt like a cloud looming darker over your head as each day passed.

Whatever it was, it certainly did not help you accomplish anything else.

Think again to this last week. Was there a time that you felt God calling you to do something? Did you feel a tug at your heart or receive verbal encouragement to pursue something difficult?
What purpose did you feel God calling you to?
And what was the greatest struggle keeping you from following that call?

This verse in Genesis is essentially a repeat of what God had already spoken in the verses  before. That does not mean, however, that nothing more can be learned.

Read again the verse at the top of this post. God made the stars, the sun and the moon. He set them in the sky with their own special place. He gave them great purposes to fulfill.

Think about that: He gave the purpose to them.

Have you ever been afraid of pursuing something because you felt alone in the call? Or because you thought it could not be accomplished without help?

This set of verses is meant to remind us that God never calls us to something without also providing others with the purpose of being our help. We are not made to be alone, and in the same way God does not ask us to work alone.

While it is hard to have hope when you do not yet know who will be your help (or 'partner in crime', if you wish), it is important to remember that God is the one who provides. Whether it be a person to be physically present with you when you are working, to do the same work with you, or someone to serve as an encouragement through everything you pursue, God will never leave you to be alone in those things to which He calls you.

A call to purpose is not for the individual, but to the community.
Be in community with one another, and grow one another to achieve the purposes for which He has created you.

You are unique and blessed in the purpose for which God has made you, but you are most certainly not alone.

What has God been calling you to? How can we as a Christian community help encourage you to pursue God's path for your life? Please leave your thoughts and comments below.