Friday, May 6, 2011

speed of life?

Then God said, "Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens." Genesis 1:20

These past few weeks have been quite interesting for me. They have been filled with stress, homework, projects, deadlines, strange sleep hours, poor food options, and a general sense of limited time. Life has been pushed along at a steady pace that I would consider far too quick, and time has evaded all sense of opportunity for rest in exchange for accomplishing mounting lists of ToDo's.

Then yesterday I took my last exam as a undergraduate college student.
Have you ever been in that position? Do you remember how it felt?

I have yet to hear how I've done in all of my classes, but a sense of great relief and peace is steadily creeping its way up my spine to relax my far-too-tense shoulders.

Why is it so common for us to stress? What could possibly be so worrisome in our daily lives that nearly everyone experiences stress?

God's word is an amazing reminder of His overwhelming power. He created the creatures of the sea (even the ones we have yet to discover) and the birds of the sky. He created every single one of them.

His power stretches over every part of their livelihood, and does so for us as well.

Why, then, do we still stress?

Just a little something to think about. Please leave your thoughts or comments below. If you have any questions, I would love to email with you.