Friday, August 13, 2010

turning on the lights

And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. Genesis 1:3 (NIV)

Repeatedly in Genesis 1, for each of the six days of creating, the Bible says "And God said, 'Let'" something happen, and then it came to be. It is interesting that, even as God has the power to create, He intentionally chooses to speak first and then have His power flow forth from His words. This is an incredible illustration for us. The words which God speaks have the power to bring forth absolutely anything -- creation, destruction, blessings, curses, healing of wounds, and even the transformation of a man's heart. And we have the privilege of daily access to God's words (the Bible!).

Reading the Bible is really something we should strive to do every day, even if it's just a handful of verses. Being in a relationship with God through prayer and meditation (or, if you don't like that term, simply sitting in silence, possibly marveling at God's creation, and intentionally waiting for God to speak into your heart) is also important. This is because we are not only opening our hearts to hear more of God's powerful words, we are acting on the words we have already heard about God and how He desires our relationship with Him to be above all.

So, how can we make certain God's words are powerfully affecting our lives and the lives of those around us?
  1. intentionally read the Bible
    Set time aside from your busy schedule (be it once a week or every day) to read your Bible. Be intentional in not only reading the verses, but also asking God to help you understand and apply His words to your life.

  2. pray to (and with) God
    There are several ways to characterize prayer. There is prayer to thank God, prayer of confession and repentance, prayer asking God to act (spiritually or physically), and prayer to praise God, primarily. As we speak to God in prayer, He wants to speak with us also. Prayer is like everyday conversations through the other relationships you hold, in that there is talking, watching and listening. All are important to maintain those relationships. Likewise, prayer is an important way to maintain and grow our relationship with God.
    (some good thoughts on prayer)

  3. memorize scripture
    I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11 (NIV)

  4. be surrounded by believers
    This does not mean you cannot or should not be friends with unbelievers.
    God uses Christian communities in amazing ways. Every believer has different gifts from God, and God speaks to each believer in a unique and special way. By surrounding yourself with other believers, you are regularly allowing yourself to be washed by God's words and the wisdom He has given to those around you.
    Not to mention, they can remind you for when you have been neglecting your relationship with God.
I am certain there are many other ways to bring God's word into your life, and I would love to hear your thoughts. I would also love to hear how God's words have blessed you and grown you recently!

If you are having questions about how to pray in a way that is in relationship with God, this site has a few ideas that might help.

May God's word fill you and grow you more throughout the remainder of your days.

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