Monday, November 8, 2010

creating for life

Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. Genesis 1:11

Strange as it may seem, this short verse has a lot of information packed into it! Join me in finding out what it is.

To start, let us look at the description of what God was creating: plants.

When God first designed the plant, we know that He designed it to have the detail that still exists today. He designed it entirely to its finish, rather than adding or subtracting random pieces as time went along.
How do we know this? Well, at the very start of creation, God already decided (or designed) how the plants would have a life cycle. From the very start, He created them to have seed.

In this verse, seed is used as the same Hebrew word for offspring. God decided, at the very point of creation, how He would continue the line of life. The plants were created in a way that allows the natural continuation of the creation of life. Each plant was created in its own uniqueness, and the provision of the seed allows that uniqueness to be perpetuated into eternity.

God wanted life to change and grow and continue onward from how He originally made it. In this, we can understand that creation was not designed to remain constant or still. The phrase "change is inevitable" is not only true, it is an integral part of the foundation of the world around us.

Amazing, right?

Well, now I would like to look at a set of phrases we have seen a few times before. I'm referring to the collection of "Then God said" and "And it was so."

I have already written a little about the importance of these phrases relating to Genesis 1:3 and Genesis 1:6-7. Why, however, are we seeing them again? What is the importance of the further repetition of this phrase?

Perhaps it is simply that God seeks to remind us of His infallible plan. Every decision for creation has been fully and thoroughly contemplated prior to action.

Isn't it amazing to know that every part of our lives has been created in detail for a purpose? That every single part of who we are (even perceived flaws) has been specifically designed by God to be that way and no other?

You have been created intentionally by a God who seeks intimate relationship with you. And you have been created perfectly according to His detailed plan.
Nothing you do (or forget to do) can ever change that.

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